APPR is not just another annoying acronym. Recently at the SLMSSENY Margarita Mixer and then again at PNW BOCES School Library System and ... everywhere, school librarians are discussing what APPR is and how they will manage it. Which rubric is our district using? Which one should we be using? Are we responsible for SLOs? Who's evaluating us? How often? What evidence are we using to justify our effectiveness and our impact on students? We seem to have lots of questions but answers vary at best and ... are often elusive.
So, I have written a quick survey about APPR. I would love it if you would take a few minutes to respond. You can do so anonymously. I will collate and share results with SLMSSENY members and those who include contact information.
Let's learn with and from each other...
Nina Levine, SLMSSENY President