Tuesday, April 16, 2013

27 Things Your Teacher Librarian Does -- A Cool Infographic

Another wonderful infographic entitled 27 Things Your Teacher Librarian Does is making the rounds of library circles this week.  Have you seen it?  And it is so true.  How many hats do you wear?  In any given day, how many different technologies, different teachers, different students, different projects.... do you see, help, work on, teach, problem-solve, etc.?   A few years ago, I had the privilege of working with a small group of library colleagues in our Putnam/No.Westchester BOCES School Library System on a Power Point presentation and video about what all happens in our libraries.  We were bouncing around ideas one summer day and I offered up the fact that "it all happens in the library" meaning all subject areas are taught/studied in the library, all students and teachers are served by a library program, all manner of skills are practiced in the library - even though we don't teach them ourselves.  Our video was part of the AASL advocacy toolkit and we all use(d) it for parent meetings and presentations.  With all these great tools, we can arm ourselves for the daunting task of advocating for school librarians, school library programs, and library resources.  We would love to hear about your advocacy efforts.  What works for you?  What additional resources or assistance would be beneficial?  Let us know at SLMSSENY

Here are some other advocacy tools.

Strong School Libraries Build Strong Students an infographic created by the AASL Legislation Committee  http://www.ala.org/aasl/sites/ala.org.aasl/files/content/aaslissues/advocacy/AASL_infographic.pdf

School Library Program Health and Wellness Toolkit  (AASL)