Tuesday, January 15, 2013

LIKE the Empire State Center for the Book

Dear Fellow SLMSSENY Member,

As the Director of the Empire State Center for the Book and a longtime SLMSSENY member, I wanted to ask that, if you are on Facebook,  to "Like" the Empire State Center for the Book Facebook page.

We are trying to get 1000 "Likes" for this Facebook page in 2013. We are currently at 187 so we have a long way to go

The Center is the New York affiliate of the Library of Congress National Center for the Book.  Some of the projects of our center are the NYS Writers Hall of Fame, Letters About Literature and Poetry Out Loud.

If you are on Twitter please follow the center @EmpireStateBook

Thank you for your support of the Empire State Center for the Book.

Best Regards,

Rocco Staino
A SLMSSENY Past President